Sunday, December 04, 2005


Getting old

I'm getting old. I realised this today for two reasons.

Firstly, it's taken me most of the day to recover from last night's vodka-fest. It was a couple of bars, which led to a club, which led to a kind-of house party at my place, which led to everyone crashing over.

And when I woke up, I felt like I'd been run over by a steamroller. Apart from taking a friend into town on a mercy-mission to collect her mobile phone that she dropped in a car park the night before. It's now 6pm, and even now I feel slightly spaced out by it all.

I sat in Starbucks this morning, drinking a cup of tea in the hope that when I got back to my house everyone would have left - the thought of polite conversations was just too much!

I ended up updating my Friends Reunited profile today, and that made me realise that it's 10 years since I left high school. Ten years! It's flown past! How did that happen?


Well, I wrote that 4 hours ago, before falling asleep on the sofa. I'm now awake, it's 10pm, and now I've got a confused body-clock to add to the above! I'm going to go to 7-Eleven to buy cream cakes and Red Bull. Then I think I might watch a movie from the Blockbuster postal DVD rental thing which, incidentally, is great.

Actually, here's my Blockbuster Rental advice. If like me, you can have 2 or 3 DVDs at any one time; make sure you send them back at different times. That way, chances are you'll normally have one in to watch while the other is in the post being changed.

And with that... Publish.

You're getting old? So is this entry.


Best Wishes for 2006.

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