Tuesday, August 30, 2005


The worst time of the day

I've blogged about this before, but I'm going to tell you again. It's roughly 1:30am here, which is a horrible time. Because... at this point, the UK is waking up and I'm falling asleep. In fact, right now, I've just had a morning newsbrief through on email, and I'm listening to Terry Wogan online.

It makes me want to stay up, cos the longer I'm awake, the more of my friends will be around and I can communicate with them. However, many previous evenings has taught me that I can rarely stay awake beyong three am (9am UK) by which point I'm making little sense, and can no longer be arsed to contact people.

This, in turn, then makes me knackered for work the following morning, and I achieve very little. Until the next night arrives and the whole cycle starts again.

I think I'd prefer it to be the other way round; I'd rather be 6 hours ahead. That'd be far more ideal. But it's not the way it is.

In other news, it's 8 years since Princess Diana died. Which means in a week it'll be 8 years since my friends Jane and Iggy got married.

Oh, and New Orleans is flooding. It's all getting rather serious. It's in the next state to Texas (I know this cos I looked it up on my wallmap of the USA) and while it won't affect Dallas, it's kinda concerning to see how the news reports continually report more potential fatalities and mass damage. Not good. Not good at all.

And finally... I happened to see one of those "America's most outrageous TV clips" ypes of show earlier. They'd sourced from all over the world, meaning I got to enjoy clips from Noel's House Party, Blue Peter... and the piece de resistance... Northwest Tonight.

Great days.

I'm signing off before it's 8am back home!

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