Wednesday, August 17, 2005
One dollar notes.

Sure, I appreciate that it's just a difference of cultures, but the one dollar note does seem to be the most pointless part of the currency here. I know we're not used to anything smaller than a five pound note (except the Scots) but the $1 note is like having bits of paper each worth about 55 pence.
So you end up with a pocket-full of pieces of paper, and they get mixed up with receipts, notes, business cards, whatever else is in your pocket. And you end up paying for stuff with a whole batch of these notes... it feels very odd.
Also odd... 25 cent coins. And I don't think you can get one dollar coins. So all quite different to UK money... I guess it's one of those things you can argue both ways.
In other news...
Jetlag is still in place. Sleeping happens in evenings and I'm getting up at 5am. Though not tonight as I'm off to a gig (The Killers) after meeting the sister of the tour manager in a taxi queue. Talk about tenuous links and combinations.
Work is good, and my hire car? Well, I'll save that for a future post.
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Writing about American money. Wow.
That was really fucking insightful. How about you write about something worthwhile - or give us something seedy at least.
Scott Shannon
That was really fucking insightful. How about you write about something worthwhile - or give us something seedy at least.
Scott Shannon
I had the same problem with dollar bills. In fact I used to go as far as to swapping them with a friend for quarters! Then I used to stand in front of the drinks machine putting in said coins. At least I didn't have to muck around with crinkled bits of paper. I think they have a whole different mentality about money and it's forms, hence money rolls or clips or whatever they are!
Did you know that a significant number of $100 bill have traces of cocaine on them?
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Did you know that a significant number of $100 bill have traces of cocaine on them?
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