Friday, May 20, 2005


Red light doesn't spell danger

Driving is getting quite fun, but still has it's scary moments; namely junctions. There's no roundabouts here but lots of crossroads, and the rules are a bit different to the UK.

Firstly, lights don't go Red-Amber-Green... they just go Red-Green. So suddenly you can go. No warning. In the UK, if you look up and it's green, chances are seconds later you'll get beeped by someone behind you, but not so here.

And the really odd thing is that even if the lights are on red, you can turn right if it's safe to do so. Kinda slipping out of the junction and round the corner. I've done this quite a few times now but it still has a really cool feeling to it - as if you're legally breaking the law.

You know how on main roads in the UK, you stick to the outside lane, and then change lanes to overtake? Not here - any lane, anyone, any speed. And there's the odd toll road which I've yet to get up the guts to go on. Besides, I'm not really sure where they go.

Oh, and fuel. Big controversy here, cos fuel is now $2.15 a gallon. That works out at 30p a litre. Not bad...!

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