Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Are you watching the chase?

...said the text, last Sunday afternoon.

Yeah, it's all the rage here. When there's a police chase going on, the TV news channels send their helicopters up to broadcast it all live. It's a bit like watching a Die Hard film...

...cos the police send around 20 cars to follow the vehicle
...cos you can change the camera angle by flicking between news channels
...cos the good guys always win. Mainly cos they've got bigger guns.

This chase however was a bit different. Rather than chasing a sports car, or an AJ Simpson-type 4 by4, this time the police were speeding after an 18 wheeler lorry.

With no front tyres.

Travelling at about 30 miles an hour.

Which lasted for 3 hours and travelled pretty close to my house early on.

After a while, it got a bit dull. I mean, who would choose to watch a lorry drive slowly for three hours? Sure, the police cars and news copters added a bit of excitement, but at the end of the day, it's a lorry on a road. And I get to see that novelty on a daily basis.

To add insult to injury, just before the police attacked the lorry with CS gas, all the TV stations went back to their scheduled shows - which were as dull as watching a road, if not more so.

So the next time you watch "Cops" or something similar on Bravo, remember... we get to see it live.

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